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Self Love is The Most Important Love

"Admire someone else's beauty without questioning your own". I've been thinking a lot about the meaning of these words lately. Self love is such a difficult concept for most of us, but it can drastically increase the quality of our lives.

If I could give any young girl something, it would be the ability to truly love themselves. I can vividly remember being in middle school and being so insecure about the most ridiculous aspects of myself. I didn't like my body, I thought my feet were too big, I wished I didn't have freckles, I hated my ears, I hated hearing the sound of my voice on camera. It was a time where jealously conquered all other emotions and girls were always out to tear each other down. Looking back, I cringe at it all. I wish I could tell my younger self that everything about myself had been crafted with love, that God made no mistakes. I wish I could have learned to love myself earlier.

Know your worth. Know yourself. Love others. It gets easier as you get older, something about maturing I guess. I was personally blessed with an abundance of strong and confident female role models in my life: my mother, my aunt, my grandma. These women knew what they wanted and stood up for what they believed in. They also had confidence in me, which I am forever grateful for.

Love yourself because you are intelligent, beautiful, thoughtful, and unique. Confidence can take you so many places and allow your relationships with others to flourish. Confidence is exploring a new passion. Confidence is taking risks and not caring what others think about your likes and dislikes. Confidence is telling another girl she looks beautiful and feeling better because of it. Confidence is admiration, not envy because you know that you are worthy of admiration as well. Confidence is knowing your values and beliefs and not folding for anyone who pressures you to do so. Confidence is being your truest self inside and out. Confidence is happiness.

You should have this in your life and you should celebrate the beauty of others because self love is so liberating. Everyone deserves to love themselves and to be loved, so please go out into your day with this in mind.

xx Michaela


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